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Information Officer's List


Office Name Name Image Mobile Email
District Jail Md. Mujibur Rahman Md. Mujibur Rahman 01769970920 jshganj@prison.gov.bd
District Narcotics Control Office Sajedul Hasan Sajedul Hasan ০১৪০৪০৭২৭১৫ habiganjdnc@gmail.com
District Public Works Department office Mahbubul Alam Shameem Mahbubul Alam Shameem 01715-770420 sdeem_hobi@pwd.gov.bd
District Water Development Board Office Habibur Reza Habibur Reza 01318235841 sde1.bwdb.habiganj@gmail.com
District BRTA Office Md. Habibur Rahman Md. Habibur Rahman 01711567850 ad_habiganj@brta.gov.bd
District Local Govt Engineering Office Md. Istiaq Hasan Md. Istiaq Hasan 01708161103 sr.ae.habiganj@lged.gov.bd
District Roads & Highways Office Md. Shohidul Islam Md. Shohidul Islam ০১৭৩০৭৮২৬৭৬ rhd_habigonj@yahoo.com
District Post Office MD. Russel MD. Russel 01556-476094 apmg.habiganjdiv3300@gmail.com
District Post Office MD. Russel MD. Russel 01556-476094 apmg.habiganjdiv3300@gmail.com
District Electricity Development Board Office Md. Abdullah Al Mamun Sardar Md. Abdullah Al Mamun Sardar ০১৭৫৫-৫৮২৩৪৩ xenbpdbhabiganj@gmail.com
District Bureau of Non-Formal Education Office Bidyut Roy Barman Bidyut Roy Barman 01720126505 adhabiganj@bnfe.gov.bd
DistrictSports Office MD. BAKTIAR RAHMAN GAZI MD. BAKTIAR RAHMAN GAZI 01725000001 dso.habiganj1@gmail.com
District Primary Education Office MD. TOUFIQUL ISLAM MD. TOUFIQUL ISLAM 01711-448893 adpeotoufiq@gmail.com
deo.habiganj Mr. Mohammad Ruhullah Mr. Mohammad Ruhullah 01712-658700 deo_habigonj@yahoo.com
District Shilpakala Academy প্রতীক মন্ডল প্রতীক মন্ডল 01766119600 pratikpgesust@gmail.com
District Shishu Academy Israt Jahan Israt Jahan ০১৯১৪৮৯১৩৯২ bsa.habiganj@gmail.com
District Social Services Office Rasheduzzaman Chowdhury Rasheduzzaman Chowdhury ০১৭৩৪৯৩৩৮৪৪ dsso.habigonj@gmail.com
District Rural Development Office, Habiganj Mohammad Humayun Kabir Mohammad Humayun Kabir 01991132153 ddhabiganj@brdb.gov.bd
BSCIC District Office, Habiganj মোঃ আজহারুল ইসলাম মোঃ আজহারুল ইসলাম +৮৮০১৭২২০১০২১৩ bellalbhuiyan6@gmail.com
District Youth Development Office Md.Jahid Uddin Md.Jahid Uddin 01715-786198 01715786198jahid@gmail.com
Department of Agricultural Extension, Habiganj Agriculturist Dhipok Kumer Paul (2486) Agriculturist Dhipok Kumer Paul (2486) +88 01712524333 or +8801700715346 dkrajpaul.hadp@gmail.com or addhorthabiganj@dae.gov.bd
Office of Senior Agriculture Marketing Officer, Habiganj Kbd Rubel Talukder Kbd Rubel Talukder 01332-813118 amohabigonj@gmail.com
District Livestock Office Dr. Md. Abdul kader  Dr. Md. Abdul kader ০১৭১২৮৯৩৬১৮ dlohabiganj1@gmail.com
District Livestock Office Dr. Md. Abdul kader  Dr. Md. Abdul kader ০১৭১২৮৯৩৬১৮ dlohabiganj1@gmail.com
District Fisheries Office Mohammad Wahidur Rahman Majumder Mohammad Wahidur Rahman Majumder 01912-144992, 01769-459869 (অফিসিয়াল/কর্পোরেট) dfohabiganj@fisheries.gov.bd